2022 Sound Stories

Porn pandemic

Young boy on ipad in yoda oodie opening pornhub website.
The average Australian child is first exposed to pornography between the ages of eight and ten years old (Photo: Zoe Askew)

Australia, we are amid a porndemic.

The average age of first exposure to pornography amongst our nation’s children has been free-falling for almost two decades.

The Australian Institute of Family Studies and WA Child Safety Services report that the average age of first exposure is between eight and ten years old.

Countless studies show that exposure to pornography as a child has serious ramifications, not only for the individual but on a much larger societal level.

Professionals working in the industry speak about the dangers of early exposure to pornography and ways to hinder the damaging effect.

Canberra based psychosexual therapist Kym Robinson believes that the best way to protect our children against the dangers of porn is through education.

Calling all Australian parents: do you think the sex education curriculum should include pornography education?